7 Ways to Be Better at Bug Bounty Hunting
Bug Bounty is about finding bugs but how are you going to find it doesn’t matter. You need to go under a tedious work cycle that will cause burnouts and to avoid that you need to prioritise things , but you can’t because of the nature of Bug Bounty. You can’t miss a single bug because of the fierce competition which is pushing everyone to their limits. So , You can avoid some of your burnout and manual work by the following 5 ways :
- Using ChatGPT for Wordlists : When you need to create a payload there are various requirements that need to be satisfied like encoding Space, ‘/’ and it varies from web apps to web apps. To solve that you just need to use ChatGPT for Payload generation and that way you don’t need to tinker your brain for such a thing.
- Automate Updates using Cron Jobs : Linux Systems need to be maintained constantly so for that you can use google to schedule the system update commands.
- Learn Bash Scripting : It will save a tedious amount of work because It will automate your system to some extent after using it with Cron Jobs. For Ex. Creating a Script that executes itself after scheduling which then updates the subdomain list on your target.
- Specializing in Something rather becoming the Jack-of-all-trades : You push yourself to learn everything that comes your way , but if you do this you will get lost in competition. To avoid that you will need to specialise in something . For Ex.API Testing , Application Testing , Code Analysis , IOT Testing . There are numerous ways you can prove yourself.
- Doing the things that most hunters avoid : You are choosing a programme then you look to the scope of the Programme. Most of the hunters avoid the IoT scope , Application Scope or Automobile Scope or any other. You shouldn’t avoid that because there are some bugs waiting for you.
- Learn to Exploit CVE : It is the hardest part of CVE to find a Proof-Of-Concept , because you lack that specific knowledge about the software. You need to gain knowledge to some extent about these for some Foothold.
- Build a Recon System : 80% Bugs are discovered during the recon process and you need to master all the recon tools that are currently available and just think like a web developer that will use cost effective resources.
So , That’s It guys , for the time being just practice practice & practice & learn new things.
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